Minor Injury Units are staffed by Emergency nurse Practitioners, who have the training and experience to deal with:
- cuts
- remove foreign bodies
- dress wounds
- cuts and grazes
- burns
- scalds
- minor broken bones
- insect and animal bites
- screening and treatment for Chlamydia.
Frome Community Hospital
The minor injuries unit operates a Nurse Led Treatment Centre seven days a week 08:00 – 20:30. Telephone 01373 454770.
Acute Community Eyecare Service
For the assessment and treatment of recently occurring eye injuries such as:
- Sudden or recent reduction in vision in one or both eyes
- Red eye(s) or eye lids
- Pain and/or discomfort in the eyes, around the eye area or temples
- Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes
- Mild trauma, for example a scratch to the outer surface of the eye(s) or lid(s)
- Suspected foreign body in the eye
- Recent onset of double vision
- Significant recent discharge from or watering from the eye.
Please ring in advance as specific appointments are made available as required: Eye tech opticians 25, Market Place, Frome, Somerset BA11 1 AH – 01373 462573 Available Monday to Saturday by appointment. This service will be shortly relocating to the new health park.